Fowlerovo tělo objeveno!

16 Pro

The search for American alpinists Charlie Fowler and Christine Boskoff has ended. The body of Charlie Fowler (52) has been found at 53OOm (17,388 feet) in the Genyen Region of China near an unnamed peak. The body of his friend Christine Boskoff (38) has not yet been discovered.

This from the (c)

• On December 26, 2006, the Field Coordinator in Chengdu reported that the Field Search Teams visited the Genyen Monastery and confirmed that Fowler and Boskoff stopped in on November 12, 2006. The Genyen monks are certain of the date because of a festival that occurred that day. They also confirmed that Fowler and Boskoff camped a few minutes from the monastery that night. They told the monks that they planned to travel north of the monastery and probably return for a visit in 4 days. The monks said they had not seen any people go north of the monastery since Fowler and Boskoff’s visit. They also reported that it had snowed 3-5cm during the festival, and continued to snow thru November 14, 2006 for a total of 23cm. The search is now concentrated on the two mountains to the north of Genyen monastery. One is Genyen Peak, the other is a 5807m peak.

• On December 27, 2006, a body, mostly buried in the snow, was spotted at 1:30pm (China time) by a Chinese member of one of the Field Search Teams. The location is at an approximate altitude of 5300m (17,388 feet), 3 hours above Lenggu Monastery in the Genyen Region. The body is currently unidentified and is not confirmed to be either Fowler or Boskoff. Details of the sighting include modern climbing equipment, blue gaitors, and grey boots. The U.S. Consulate in Chengdu, China has notified both of the families. It also reported that cooperation by the Chinese authorities has helped immensely to maintain an accelerated effort by all parties involved. The plan now is for additional Field Search Teams to return to the same area to confirm the identity of the body and to look for additional climbers and/or evidence.

• On December 28, 2006, the body found on December 27, 2006 was confirmed to be that of Charlie Fowler and for the tie being is being brought down to Lengu Monastery. It appears that the cause is an avalanche. Fowler was not wearing a harness nor was he roped. He was wearing crampons and a large pack, indicating that the intent was to establish a high basecamp. At this point in the search, there is no evidence of Boskoff. The weather in the search area has changed to snow.

• On December 29, 2006, the Field Commander determined that the area where Fowler’s body was found has become too hazardous for the established teams to continue the search for Boskoff. The FBSC concurred, halting the search. The search will resume when conditions stabilize, most likely in the spring.

• On December 29, 2006, the Field Coordinator in Chengdu reported that a “puja” ceremony has been arranged for Fowler and Boskoff at the Lengu Monastery.

source: and